The Newtown Library Company is, and has always been a subscription library. Our charter of 1789 defines us as a private library with a fee to be a member and annual dues.

Anyone wishing to join the library may do so. Even though we are not part of the county library system, we strive to provide our members with the most current best-sellers and books of interest to our members.

Bucks County Comm. College Library

(Please note that the Bucks County Community College Library is no longer a part of the Bucks county Free Library system.)

WHYY Radio Times with Marty Moss-Coane
Hear podcasts of all her shows
Read the books at the NLC
Newtown Historic Association
Serving Newtown Borough and Township
with a full selection of reading material for adults, teens and children of the family
114 Centre Avenue • Newtown, PA • 215-968-7659
Hours: Mon-Fri 10-5 | Mon-Wed 6:30-8:30 | Sat 10-2:30 pm

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